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How to Shave Your Head (the Right Way)

When it comes to head shaving, it's not as simple as getting a razor and blasting away.

Those who've experienced razor burns, bumps, and skin irritation should know you must learn to shave correctly for a smooth and painless shave.

In this guide, we'll explore the nuances of using different razors - safety, cartridge, and electric - and provide tips for a smooth, irritation-free shave. From essential pre-shave preparation to choosing the right tool for your needs, and aftercare, we're here to ensure your head-shaving journey is as seamless as your new look.

Choose Your Weapon

safety vs electric vs cartridge razor

Before shaving your head, you'll need to choose a tool or "weapon" to shave your head bald. Each type of shaver offers unique benefits and challenges.

Here’s a quick guide to help you choose between a Safety Razor, a Cartridge (or Disposable) Razor, and an Electric Shaver.

1. Safety Razor

  • Pros: It offers a close shave, is cost-effective over the long term, and is environmentally friendly due to less waste.

  • Cons: Steeper learning curve, higher risk of nicks and cuts, and requires more time and care.

  • Best For: Those seeking a traditional shaving experience and who are willing to invest time in learning the technique.

2. Cartridge (or Disposable) Razor

  • Pros: Easy to use, widely available, and less risky regarding cuts.

  • Cons: More expensive over time, can irritate, and contribute to more waste.

  • Best For: Beginners or those who prioritize a closer shave without the risk of deep cuts.

3. Electric Shaver

  • Pros: Quick and convenient, safer with less risk of cuts, and versatile for different hair lengths.

  • Cons: It can be expensive upfront, may not provide as close a shave, and requires charging or batteries.

  • Best For: Those who value speed and convenience or have sensitive skin. For a detailed comparison of Foil vs. Rotary shavers, check out our article here.

To read more about Electric vs. Manual shavers, read our article about it here.

safety vs cartridge vs electric shaver

An electric shaver is my weapon of choice, as it offers speed, convenience, and safety. Check out our top choices for the best electric head shavers here.


When I first got my Freebird FlexSeries, I was so excited to try it that I didn't bother with a pre-shave routine. I thought my old dry-shaving routine would work, but I was wrong. Before this, I used a hair clipper; the FlexSeries was my first rotary shaver.

Since the FlexSeries gave me a closer shave than my hair clipper, I discovered I had sensitive areas in my neck. This was the first time I got a razor rash; it was my fault for not doing a pre-shave routine.

A pre-shave routine is pretty straightforward, regardless of your razor type.

1. Wash With Warm Water

man washing hair

Let's begin our pre-shave routine by washing our hair with warm water to soften it and open our pores. This makes shaving smoother, lessens irritation, and prevents razor rash.

2. Lather Up

applying shave gel

Next, we apply shaving cream or gel to our heads and create a thick lather. Spread it evenly across your head and cover all areas. I learned from my first experience with razor burn, and I told myself I wouldn't want that to happen again.

I use coconut oil and lather with coconut soap before I shave, and I haven't experienced razor burn since.

Freebird has a shaving gel designed for bald heads that you can try out.

Freebird Shave Care Kit

3. Trim Your Hair

man trimming hair

Don't shave immediately if your hair has grown longer than 1/8 inch. You'll miss spots and dull your blade.

Trim your long hair with an electric clipper and try to keep your hair as short as possible for a more effortless shave.

Shaving Your Head

Now that we've done our pre-shave routine, we get to the exciting part of how to shave your head:

4. Start Shaving

Using smooth strokes, begin shaving from the center of your head downwards, following your hair growth. Use your free hand to support the skin and keep it from moving. Use two fingers, place them on your temple, and tug down gently when shaving around your ear to keep your skin taut. When shaving the back of your head, tucking your chin to your chest will make it easier and give you a better shave.

Shaving opposite your hair growth gives you a closer shave but increases the risk of razor burn, razor bumps, and scalp irritation. Proceed with caution.

5. Rinse often

After every pass, rinse your blades with warm water to remove hair clippings and excess shaving cream or gel.

6. Check for missed spots

Run your hand along your smooth dome and check for missed spots. You won't get all hair on the first pass. Make a second pass on missed areas until you get an even shave.

Post-Shave Aftercare

7. Rinse

black man rinsing head

Shower or clean the shaved area with cool or cold water to close your pores, and remove excess hair, shaving gel, or cream. Towel dry once you're done.

8. Moisturize

applying moisturizer

Head shaving is harsh on sensitive scalps, so we must apply moisturizer or aftershave lotion to soothe and hydrate our smooth dome. If you spend most of your time outdoors, wearing sunscreen should be part of your post-shave routine.

If you prefer a matte finish, you can buy moisturizers with a less shiny effect.

Freebird Scalp Care Kit


Choosing the right razor matters in the quest for a smooth-shaved head. Whether you choose a safety razor, cartridge, or electric shaver, we hope our guide helps you on your head-shaving journey.

Whatever razor you use, remember to prepare, use the proper technique, and do aftercare to achieve the best irritation-free shave possible.

Happy Shaving!

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